Department of Political Science
Vision: To inculcate in the students the values essential for socialistic democratic society, so that they evolve into conscientious citizens capable of contributing to the growth of the nation.
- Class room teaching is student centric.
- Innovative teaching methods supplement lecture method.
- Motivate students to involve actively in the teaching learning process through seminars and presentations.
- Slow learners are given extra attention.
- Advanced learners are encouraged to perform better.
- Organize field visits to city corporation.
- Personal counseling for academic & personal problems.
- To instill in the students, desire to be knowledgeable both in theoretical and practical aspects of political science.
- To develop in them, qualities essential to make them good citizens.
- To create an awareness among the students about their rights and civic responsibilities.
- To inculcate leadership qualities.
- To encourage students to know day-to-day information about current political affairs.
Program outcome:
- Acquire and internalize the socially relevant values of harmony, democracy, citizenship for national progress and contribute to the public good with responsibility and sensitivity
- Acquire necessary skills and knowledge for meaningful political participation on issues related to governance.
Faculty Members