Guest Lecture On Food Service Management : Department of PG Studies in Food Science & Nutrition
A guest lecture was organized for the 2nd MSc students of the Department of PG Studies in Food Science & Nutrition, Besant Women’s College, Mangalore on the topic Fundamentals of Food Service Management and the guest speaker was Mr. Rahul Bhat, Lecturer, Laxmi Memorial College of Hotel Management, Mangalore on 14th July 2023. The main objective of the lecture was to throw light on the various aspects of food service management which would be of great use to the students in their careers as well as to be successful entrepreneurs. Mr. Rahul in detail explained the food service management briefing on the topics like trends in food service management, types of food service establishments, business requirements for start-ups, and employee laws. He even threw light on the topic pertaining to menu planning, purchase & storage of goods, types of food service systems, kitchen layout, sanitation & hygiene, and food spoilage and its consequences. On the whole he in-depth gave information regarding the overall criteria involved with good food service management. The session was followed by questions & answers where the students asked questions regarding the recent market trends in food service management, cloud kitchen & so on.