Innovation Club - Demonstration of 3 tier Bin Terracotta Home Composter for Waste Management

September 20, 2022

Innovation Club

Report on Demonstration of 3 tier Bin Terracotta Home Composter for Waste Management


The Innovation Club of our college organized a demonstration on the use of 3

tier Bin Terracotta Home Composter on 20 th September, 2022, which is kept in

the canteen for the proper disposal of food wastes. Mrs. Gayathree, HoD, B.Sc.

Home Science was the resource person. She explained and demonstrated how

the food waste from the college canteen can be collected in this pot and compost

or manure can be prepared. An awareness was given to the students and the

canteen staff about the segregation of wet and dry waste.

In our society most of the people are unconvinced about composting. So the

objective of this demonstration is to make the students aware that, composting

is good for everybody. It is one of the methods used for environmental


The convenor of the Club Mrs. Ranjini M., Department of Secretarial Practice

introduced the resource person and welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Naseera,

Department of Computer Application proposed Vote of Thanks.