July 7, 2017

The Student Union election for this academicyear was conducted through E-Voting (07-07-2017) of the college today.  Students enthusiastically participated inE-election to elect Kavyashree of Final B.Com as President, Kaushalya DeviHimani Final B.A. as Vice President, Nisha of II B.Com,. as Secretary and Rashmithaof I B.Com, as Joint Secretary. ‘E-Voting’ a software developed by Dept. ofComputer Science and Data Processing, was instrumental in facilitating this election. The collegeprincipal Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty P., after declaring the results saidconstructive activities that uphold the unity of the college are to be executedby this students union.  Anydisputes  among the stakeholders likemanagement, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and students can beamicably solved through dialogues than drastic actions like agitation orstrike.

The student welfare officer Dr. Meenakshi K.,congratulated the newly elected student leaders and the students whoparticipated in e-voting. Dr. Praveen Kumar K.C., Dean, Dept. of Commerce andProf. Syed Kahder, IQAC Co-ordinator werepresent on the dias.  Raviraj of Kannada Departmentcompeered.7-7-2017_Election.jpg