Three day training on Innovation : IQAC & Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce

April 23, 2023

With the aim to give wings to the ideas of young entrepreneurs, “NXplorers” (Next Generation) had introduced Idea Pitching Program across 5 states in collaboration with companies like Shell, Dell, Microsoft etc. As companies have to involve in Corporate Social Responsibility, companies like Shell took this opportunity and implemented this project already in 20 countries across world where India is the preferable country for them. In the last 4 years, this foundation is collecting unique and innovative ideas from students and converting them to the project and implementing those projects as a solution for day-to-day problems.

Day 1

Date : 25-4-2023

Trainer : Anuradha Nitin

Department of LLF (Learning Link Foundation)


Objective : To introduce the concept of “Thinking differently”

The workshop began with the inauguration program. Ms. Anupa Baliga, HOD, Department of PG Studies in Commerce and Vice President Ms. Suraksha escorted the dignitaries Mrs. Anuradha, Honorable principal Dr. Satish Kumar Shetty to the dais. Ms. Varshini of Final M. Com led the prayer and Manasa of Final M. Com introduced Mrs. Anuradha to the gathering. Ms. Mubashira Bano of Final M. Com compered the program.

After inauguration, Anuradha mam began her session by introducing 3 ways to innovative ideas which were

  • Explore
  • Create
  • Change

Which led us to the concept of special way of thinking. There were 4 sub sessions in the entire session.

The Resource person introduced 5 tools to think differently. They are,

  1. The big picture : The bigger view.
  2. Connection : Connecting problems to its connection.
  3. Perspectives : Opinion.
  4. Change : About change
  5. Future : Future

Collaboration, leadership qualities, belief or trust, change are the major activities that should be undertaken to think differently. With the help of various activities like connection circle we all understood how to explore and how to think differently.

Day 2

Date : 26-4-2023

Objective : To inculcate a sense of social responsibility.

The second session commenced with participants being briefed on “Explore.” Teams were provided with worksheets and were assigned with investigating persistent issues with regard to essential resources such as food, clean water and energy that required transformation. Utilizing exploration tools such as the connection circle tool for establishing cause-and-effect relationships and perspective tools for deeper analysis. Each team identified key issues that demanded attention and determined two main leverage points. The participants had to present issues that were explored followed by the matching causative factors.

Day 3

Date : 27-4-2023

Objective : To create awareness regarding the conservation of natural resources.

During the third session of the workshop, participants focused on the concept of "create." The resource person emphasized the significance of considering actionable steps that can drive positive change and also urged participants to envision the potential consequences if no changes are made. Teams were instructed to utilize the "create" tools, specifically the quadrant tool and leverage point analysis to identify the necessary course of action for a desired future and determine the specific steps that need to be taken. Finally, the resource person extensively shared insights on the practical implementation of solutions to overcome the identified problems.

The valedictory ceremony took place after the final session, Mrs. Anuradha Nithin as the Chief Guest and Principal Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty presided over the ceremony. During the ceremony, the students provided their feedback on the workshop and the certificate of Participation was handed over to the students by the Resource person Mrs. Anuradha and by the principal.