Campus to Co-operate Women Work Force : Student council

April 23, 2023

The Women Empowerment Programme titled "Campus to Corporate Women Workforce" was held on 12th April 2023 organized with the aim of empowering young women and equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to transition successfully from campus life to the corporate world. The program focused on fostering gender equality, professional development, and creating a supportive environment for women in the workplace. This report provides a summary of the key activities and outcomes of the event.

Programme Details:

The Women Empowerment Programme consisted of several significant components that contributed to its success:


The event commenced with a prayer, symbolizing unity and setting a positive and serene atmosphere for the rest of the program.

Welcome Speech:

A warm and welcoming speech was delivered by Ms Hakeem to the participants, guests, and dignitaries. The welcome speech aimed to create a sense of inclusivity and gratitude for everyone's presence at the event.

Honouring the Exceptional Achievements:

During the programme, exceptional achievements of some inspiring students were recognized and honoured. These individuals had excelled in their respective fields, and their achievements were celebrated as a source of inspiration for others.

Speech by the Correspondent:

Dr. Manjula K T vice president of Women’s National Education society , and the correspondent of our college delivered a speech emphasizing the institution's commitment to women empowerment and its efforts to provide a conducive environment for the growth and success of women. The speech highlighted the importance of empowering women and creating equal opportunities in both campus and corporate settings.

Speech by the Resource Person:

A renowned resource person, Ms Mithu Samarnath Jha. , delivered a speech addressing the challenges faced by women in transitioning from campus life to the corporate world. The resource person shared insights, experiences, and strategies to overcome these challenges and thrive in the corporate sector. The speech aimed to motivate and inspire the participants to pursue their career goals with confidence.

Panel Discussion:

A panel discussion was organized, involving the students for various streams. The panellists engaged in a discussion on topics such as career planning, breaking gender stereotypes, work-life balance, and effective networking. The panel discussion provided valuable insights, practical advice, and diverse perspectives to the participants.

Outcomes and Impact:

The Women Empowerment Programme - "Campus to Corporate Women Workforce" had several positive outcomes and impacts, including:

Increased Awareness: Participants gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by women in the corporate sector and the significance of gender equality.

Skill Development: The programme equipped participants with essential professional skills, such as effective communication, networking, and career planning. These skills empowered women to navigate the corporate world successfully.

Inspiration and Motivation: The speeches and panel discussion inspired and motivated the participants to strive for excellence, break barriers, and pursue their career aspirations with determination.

Networking Opportunities: The event provided a platform for participants to network with industry professionals and experts, enabling them to build valuable connections and explore potential career opportunities.


The Women Empowerment Programme - "Campus to Corporate Women Workforce" successfully addressed the challenges faced by women during the transition from campus to the corporate world. It is hoped that the knowledge gained and the connections established during the event will assist the participants in their journey towards a successful and fulfilling professional career