“MEDHASs – A Scientific Journey Towards Excellence’ an Inter Collegiate Science Fest
The science studentswhen become the scientist must take up research and innovations to improve thelife of common people. A popular concern must be developed in the student hooditself to make innovations that would make better health and normal lifecitizens. He was speaking afterinaugurating ‘MEDHASs ‘University level inter collegiate science students’ fest.Quoting the progress of science and technology he said the solar heater andsolar light which was once only a student’s model is today a very usefulhousehold gadget. The sound box that is inserted in the throat of persons wholost voice due to accidents and diseases which was costing around 3o thousandsare now available at only rupees 50 because of the inventions an Indian scientistdid. Owing to the research and developments in field health care operationsdone for lacks of rupees are done free of cost today, hence the young talentsmust be utilized for popular scientific projects.
Anotherguest Dr. Somashekhar Bhat, Prof. & Head Department of Electronics &Communication Engineering MIT, Manipal, in his speech called the attentiontowards various challenges today’s scientist are facing, he said, he said thereare plenty of opportunities for young scientist to take up research in areaslike optimum use of removable energy sources for generating and storing energyutilizing them without leakage and loss, and also efficiently disposing storagecells after use thus preparing the forthcoming battery run society, developing a green approach for production ofenergy directly from sun, sea and wind, enablingthe health related data of common people in the hospitals to be accessed fromanywhere in the world but not letting it fall in wrong hands, mobile solarpanels in the form of coats for the use of soldiers, proper utilization of rainwater, improving and maintaining ground water level, efficient cold storagesystem for agricultural produce, use the sea and recycled water for irrigation, reducing the cost of salinizationby reducing energy consumption, saving the healthy cells during oncologicaltreatments etc. are the challenges providing medicines and health facilities tocommon people in affordable cost. Shri. Kudpi Jagadish Shenoy, President,Women’s National Education Society, wished well for the programme in hispresidential address. Co-ordinator Sanjana Shenoy explained the importanceholding the science fest on the National Science Day which is also the birthdayof Nobel Laurel Sir C.V. Raman in keynote address. Principal Dr. Sathish KumarShetty welcomed. Women’s National Education Society Vice President Sri. ManelAnnappa Nayak, Correspondent K. Devananda Pai, Programme Convenor Mr.Gopalkrishna Raikar were on the dais.
The chiefguest of Dr. A.M. Khan, Registrar Evaluation, Mangalore University, the basicscience which is the root of all inventions is more important than appliedscience. The competitions like this will improve the capacity of the studentsto utilize basic science for the inventions in future. Sri. Gopalkrishna RaikerH.o.D. of Computer Science Department, read the report.
The guest ofhonour Mr. Kishore Alva, Executive Director, Corporate Affairs Adani PowerLtd., UPCL, said that today the world needs not only the technocrats but alsoleaders and performers taking science to the common people. He said, MEDHASs isan effort to develop such a temperament among the pupil.
Sri.Poornaprajna College, Udupi, emerged as‘overall champions’ and the ‘Runners Trophy’ was won by University College,Mangalore. President of the ceremony Sri. K. DevanandaPai gave away the trophies and congratulated the winners.