Hindi Seminar and Workshop: 2020
The National Seminar and Workshop on "समकालीन रचनाकार का सामाजिक दान" was held on 02 December, 2020 under the joint auspices of BesantWomen's College, Hindi Quality Assurance Cell and the Vishwa Hindi Adyapak Sangh(VIHAS). Dr. Subramanya Yadapadithaya, Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University explainedthe importance of the Hindi language and appreciated the program through virtualplatform.
Resource person Dr. Ajaya Shukla, senior Hindi writer commented on thenovel "ताज ताज महल का टेंडर, talking about the social fabric of contemporaryliterature and literary people through virtual platform.
Shri K. Devanand Pai, secretary of the Women's National Education Societyand correspondent of BWC inaugurating the workshop. He said that Hindi is thelanguage of our country and the language that unites everyone. Dr. NarayanaShetty, Principal of Bhandarkars College and President of PrincipalAssociation, expressed his views on thesignificance and evolution of the Hindi language.
The workshop was extensively discussedon "Transformed Text Mode" and guided by the Hindi faculty of variouscolleges. President of the Hindi Teachers Association Dr. S.A. Manjunatha made animpression.
Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty, Principal ofBesant Women's College welcomed the guest. Dr. Shalini, Secretary of VIHAS performedvote of thanks.The presentation of the programme was done by Dr. ParashuramMalge, Programme Coordinator and HoD, Department of Hindi.