Pick and Speak competition: Department of Commerce and Business Administration

May 7, 2024

Public speaking and good communication skills are a part of personality development. Recognizing this need for students the commerce and business administration association organized a pick and speak competition on 07/05/2024 in the A.V. room. The competition aims to cultivate quick thinking, effective communication, and the ability to articulate ideas on the spot.

Nine students from the various classes were participated in the competition.The competition was overseen by two experienced faculty members, Mis. preetha bhandary from the Department of English and Mr.rakshith Shetty from the Department of History.

The competition commenced with a introduction outlining the rules. Each participant was allotted two minutes time to speak on a randomly choosen topic. Topics were choosen from a diverse pool ,covering various areas. Throughout the event, contestants demonstrated remarkable versatility and confidence in addressing their subjects. Some delivered impassioned speeches on day to day matters while others entertained the audience with humorous and personal experiences.

The judges evaluated participants based on various criteria, including clarity of thought, speaking ability and audience engagement. The meghashree of final B.com secured 1st place ,shivalika of final B.com secured 2nd place ,Shreya and Al-shifa of final B.com secured 3rd place in the competition. Their ability to convey complex ideas with simplicity and clarity showcased their exceptional communication skills emerged them as winners.

A special thanks to the principal, Dr. Praveen Kumar K.C. for your support. We extend heartfelt gratitude to the Dean and HOD Prof. Syed khadar sir for your invaluable support and guidance throughout the program .we also thank our judges for their dedication ,time and expertise .A special thanks to the organizer Saima of final B.com for your effort in the success of this event . And we extend our gratitude to all the participants, faculty members and volunteers who contributed to the success of the event.
