Online Aptitude Awareness Programme: Dept. of Computer Science and Mathematics
A training Programme was conducted for thestudents of First year B.Sc on facingand taking up online Tests in various subjects related to their subject. ThePurpose of this programme is to mitigate the fear of online exams. Time factoris the main component when Online tests are taken. Hence the students get toknow how to manage time while answering Online Questions.
The Programmewas well received by the students. Theresource person Mr. Ravinder Murthy highlighted the importance of Online testsand said that the students should start preparing for the Online Tests from nowitself, so that they become familiar with the pattern of tests. He emphasisedthat Online Tests are the future exams. The New Education Policy also suggestsconducting of Online exams and completely avoid the Pen and Paper exams. It maysoon become a matter of the Past.
The Programmewas conducted by the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics.