National Webinar on 'Indian Constitution with special Focus on Citizen's Duties': Dept. of Political Science & Economics
The Department Economics with the Department of Political Science and the FieldOutreach Bureau Mangalore has organised a webinar on the topic- IndianConstitution with Special Focus on citizens duties on 7th August2020. Dr Appaji Gawda Joint Director, Regional Office, Department of CollegiateEducation, Government of Karnataka Mangalore was the inaugurator. Dr SatnamSingh, Head Department of Political Science, Gurunanak Dev University, AmritsarPanjab was the Keynote speaker. Dr S.S. Sreekumar, Head Department of PoliticalScience Jawaharlal Nehru Rajakeeya Mahavidyalaya Pondicherry UniversityPortblair Andaman Nicobar Islands was the chief guest. Mrs Raviprabha AssistantProfessor Department of Political Science Besant Women’s College Mangalore wasthe resource person who spoke on the topic. Total 180 participants wereregistered and participated from the webinar.