‘NAADA TARANGA-2018’ a two-day inter collegiate singing competition
Achieving expertise in different fields apart from the studiesshould be the purpose of education. Developing skills among students is usefulfor the person, education institution and to the country. Hence colleges muststress extra-curricular, co-curricular activities and skill oriented education,opined Dr. Kishore Kumar C.K. In-charge Vice Chancellor of MangaloreUniversity. He was addressing the participants of ‘NAADATARANGA-2018’ a two-day inter collegiate singing competition organized byMangalore University in association with Besant Women’s College, afterinaugurating the event on 16th August 2018.
Mangalore University has designed many programmes to enhanceinterest in skills, sports and co-curricular activities. To support student achievements in sports,university is providing equipments and training, and facilitating sportspersons travel. To improve students’participation in fine arts, it is orgnaising programmes like NAADA TARANGA indegree colleges annually, he said. Appreciating the service of Besant Women’sCollege, he said the College has best of institutional relationships with theuniversity and it has gifted great achievers from the fields of education,sports, commerce to the society. The College correspondent Sri. K. Devananda Pai, in hispresidential speech said, music has a magical power of healing mind andbringing peace. Hence, all must have ahobby of listening to music.
Co-ordinator for the programme and convener of Fine ArtsAssociation of the College Smt. Aruna Suresh introduced the pattern of the two-daymusical competition programme in her introductory speech.
Principal, Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty P., in his welcome addresssaid, the best among the contributions India has made to the world is theclassical music. Besant College willalways support the efforts of the Universities to preserve and popularize ourculture and tradition through such students’ programmes as NAADA TARANGA. Lecturer Smt. Reshma thanked and Smt. RanjiniShetty compeered the formal inauguration ceremony.
In thetwo-day programme cclassical vocal (Hindustani/ Karnatk), classical instrumental (Percussion– Tal Vadya), classical instrumental(Non- Percussion – Swar Vadya}, Indian and Western vocal light music, communitysongs and folk orchestra competitions will be conducted in soloand group category.