“Keyboard Warrior Contest”- Department of Secretarial Practice

March 18, 2024

The department of Secretarial Practice organized “Keyboard Warrior Contest” : the competition to test the typing speed and accuracy skill of the students, on 18th March 2024 in the computer lab. The participants used ‘Typing Master’ application. 45 students from different streams have participated. The results are as follows:

I Prize is shared by Ms. Hakima Rameeya-II B.Sc. (General) and
Ms. Fathima Ashfiya – II BCA
II Prize is shared by Ms. Sahar – I BA and
Ms. Wafa Yoosuf – III BBA
III Prize is shared by Ms. Lakshika – III BA and
Ms. Rachitha – III B. Com
Consolation prizes: Ms. Shravya – II BA and
Ms. Ashwitha – II B.Com.(voc)


  • To provide an opportunity for the students to showcase their typing skills
  • To test touch typing skills of the students
  • To boost their confidence and foster healthy academic competition


  • Helped the students to know the impact of typing proficiency in the workplace
  • Participants could identify their potential to handle technological changes with ease through the proven track record of typing speed and accuracy.
  • Additionally, in the digital era, where most data entry occurs through keyboards, a candidate’s typing speed reflects their adaptability to the modern workplace.