Kannada Awareness Programme
Besant Women's College alongwith Kannada Development Authority organised the 'Kannada Awareness Programme' forCollege Students' at Besant Auditorium. Retired principal of Ganapati DegreeCollege, literary and member of Kannada awareness committee Ms. ChandrakalaNandavar gave a special lecture on 'The awareness of the Kannada language mustbe made from within. It is necessary to read Kannada lyrics. Shri Umesh M.Salian, a close member of Karnataka Drama Academy, on this occasion said,"Kannada language should grow culturally and literally. The women's wing president, Mrs.Vijayalakshmi,Principal Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty, Headof Kannada Department Dr. Meenakshi, Lecturer Mrs. Gyaneshwari, and Sri RavirajS were present at the venue.
Students Sharanya, Kavana, Apoorva JK, Sushmitha, and Ramyavani entertained audience by singing patriot songs. Inkeyboard Mr. B. S Karanth and in rhythm pad Mr. Ravikanth cooperated. Mr. Devaraj D member of Kannada Development Authority gave anintroductory speech and compere the programme.