International Women’s Day Celebration Cancer Awareness Programme: Students’ Union Council and NSS

March 8, 2025

On account of International Women’s Day, the Students’ Union Council and NSS in association with IQAC organized ‘Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign’ on 8th March 2025 at 11 am in the college auditorium.

Mrs. Amitha Nayak, Care N Safe of India (NGO) was the resource person. Addressing the students she said, the health of women and girls is of particular concern because, in many societies, they are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by an infection with certain high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV). You can get HPV from: any skin-to-skin contact of the genital area. Even though sanitary pads do not directly cause cervical cancer, maintaining cleanliness during menstruation remains essential.

The resource person introducing Care N Safe sanitary napkins, explained that these napkins are uniquely designed to reduce the risk of uterine, cervical, and ovarian diseases, along with menstrual discomforts. It is made of 100% soft and breathable cotton fabric.

Mrs. Amitha Nayak with the help of Mr. Akshay Nayak demonstrated the uniqueness of Care N Safe sanitary napkins. The students understood that this product reduces the chances of cancer in uterus, cervical cancer, ovarian cysts and other reproductive organ diseases and other menstrual discomforts in manifolds.

Mrs. Gayathree, Convenor of Women’s Cell welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person. The Principal, Dr. Praveen Kumar K.C. in his Presidential Address greeted the students and staff with ‘Happy Women’s Day’. Mrs. Ranjini, Student Welfare Officer proposed Vote of Thanks. Mrs. Raviprabha, NSS officer was present. Ms. Shobhitha T.S compered the programme.

Number of students attended: 311


  • To bring awareness among the staff and students about the causes of cervical cancer
  • To highlight the preventive measures
  • To promote awareness on Women’s health


  • The audience understood that Women’s health and hygiene is the most discussed and sought after topic in the present scenario.
  • Having cancer awareness will give us the confidence to speak to a doctor if something doesn't feel normal , as spotting cancer early increases the chance of survival.