International Webinar on "Coping with Covid-19 with a Perfect and Balanced Mind": Dept. of SP & C.Sc
The Department of Secretarial Practice and The Department of ComputerScience joined hands to create anothermemorable, information filled International Webinar titled“Coping with Covid-19 with a Perfect and Balanced Mind “., on July 03, 2019.
Three Eminent Resource Persons were selected for thepurpose.
The First one to use this opportunity was Dr. Jo, Pinakka, MemphisNephrology Associates, Nephrologist andTransplant Nephrologist, CEO American Academy of Yoga andMeditation Board of Trustee, Yoga university of America, Spoke on the topic Exiting out of Nervousness during Pandemic Crisis. The Talk wasinformative and was supported by easy tounderstand PowerPoint Slides.
The Second Resource Person Dr. Shreesha M, Faculty of Applied Media,Higher Colleges of Technologies, Dubai,United Arab Emirates. He Spoke on the Topic “Traditional Classes to OnlineClasses – The Paradigm Shift”. He explained in dpth in a lucid manner how Time can be utilized in this Pandemic Crisis andhow the attention of the students can beretained during the online Classes. To summarise, he talked about everything tomake Online Classes interesting.
The Third Resource Person, Dr Vandana Pandit spoke about the Crucialhandling of Students Taking up Online Courses.She highlighted the fact that Counselling was essential to thestudents who attend virtual Classes just like we do for the regular CollegeAttending Students. She also stressed on mental exercises to done to cope with Covid-19. This will help to reduce Panic and Stress.
Prof. Hemalatha, earlier welcomed the Gathering, and Best Wishes weregiven by the Secretary, Women’s NationalEducation Society & Correspondent , BWC Shri Devanand Pai and thePrincipal, Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty P.
The Guests were Introduced by Prof. Ranjini Ms. Shaila Kamath and Prof.Vidya Bhat. Ms. Shaila Kamath also took active, Responsible job of CreatingGroups on the Social Media WhatsApp and was incontinuous Communication with the VirtualParticipants.