Industrial Visit Report to Bolas Cashew Industry

November 22, 2024

Industrial Visit Report to Bolas Cashew Industry

Date of Visit: 22/11/2024

Venue: Bolas Cashew Industry

Staff Accompanied:

  1. Ms. Vidya Bhat
  2. Ms. Nayana
  3. Ms. Lata Hebbar

Number of Students: 77

Objectives of the Visit:

  • To explore the various stages of cashew processing, from raw cashew nut collection to final packaging.
  • To learn about the machinery, automation, and technologies used in large-scale cashew processing operations.
  • v To understand the quality control measures implemented in the industry to ensure product standards and the safety protocols followed in the production process.

Outcomes of the Visit:

v Students gained valuable insights into the multi-step process involved in cashew processing, including sorting, roasting, shelling, and packaging.

v Students observed the use of modern technology and machinery, which enhanced their understanding of automation in food processing industries.

v The visit helped students understand the significance of safety standards, hygiene practices, and quality assurance procedures to maintain product integrity and worker safety.


The visit to Bolas Cashew Industry was an insightful and enriching experience for both students and faculty members. It provided an in-depth look at the operational aspects of the cashew processing industry and fostered practical knowledge on industrial practices, machinery, and quality control. This exposure will help students gain a better understanding of the workings of the food processing sector and contribute to their academic growth and career readiness.