GENDER CHAMPION INAUGURAL: Gender Champion Cell 2019-2020
Gender Champion cell was inaugurated on 9th March2020 in MCom seminar Hall at 2.30 P.M in the presence of chief guest SriK. Devanandha Pai, Secretary of WNES and Correspondent of Besant women’scollege , Principal Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty P, NAAC convenor Dr.Praveen Kumar K C , IQAC convenor Mr. S . Syed Kahdar, Nodal officer Ms.Jyothsna , Gender Champion Ms. Kavyashree M.A were also present forthis occasion. Ms. Kavyashree welcomed the guest and gathering afterwhich chief guest, NAAC convenor and IQAC convenor addressed the gathering.MCom Previous and MCom Final along with the nominees for gender champion cellwere present. Dr. Sathish Kumar Shetty gave the presidential remarksand vote of Thanks was delivered by the Nodal Officer Ms. Jyothsnaof MCom Department .