Extension Activity "ERUDITION": Dept. of SP- 2019-2020

January 27, 2020

The Department of Secretarial Practiceorganised an Extension Activity ERUDITION - the Holistic Education at UdayaHigher Secondary School, Udaynagar, Manjeshwar on 27th January,2020. Prof. Hemalatha, HoD, Department of Secretarial Practice welcomed thegathering.  Ms. Sana, III B.Com gave abrief introduction on Besant Women’s College and Department of SecretarialPractice. Fr. Melwin Lobo, Principal, Udaya Higher Secondary  School was the Chief Guest. He highlightedthe importance of saving the environment. Sri Devanand Pai K, Secretary, WNESand Correspondent, BWC enlightened the students on protecting the nature. Dr.Sathish Kumar Shetty P, Principal, BWC spoke on the legal aspects related tothe environment. Prof. Ranjini, Lecturer, Dept. of Secretarial Practice, gave abrief insight on the various courses available at Besant Women’s College.Students of Secretarial Practice performed dance, street play, mime, mimicryrelated to the environment and conducted various games. Two students of UdayaSchool gave valuable feedback on the programme. Prof Vidya Bhat and Prof.Shaila Kamath were present. Ms. Mushfira Banu, III B.Com proposed the vote ofthanks. Ms. Nuzath Banu, III B.Com compered the programme. The programme was taken with a lot of funand seriousness by the students of Udaya College, Manjeshwar.